Sunday, May 13, 2012

Alpha & Venting

Unit 7
I've recently taken on some help with my final project. I do really like getting help, it's just hard for me to ask for it sometimes. Part of me wants to control ever aspect of a project. It's a bad way to work. The problem I have is that I have nothing to offer the person I am asking for help, except to offer my thanks. This week was also very difficult for me to get the work done that I needed to get done. My family came into town for mother's day. They are moving here in July and they now have a house, so a lot of my very little free time was spent with them helping them with moving in. My other issue is I had to dump a lot of my project on a good pal to have them to help me get this programming done that is needed. He had family to be with and he has his own full time job, so it's hard for him and I to sometimes be able to work on things at the same time. I don't blame him in the slightest. I will have a great final project, but due to just asking for help at the end of the project my Alpha is not as far along as I had hoped. My friend has some great ideas to help me make things work much better.

I spent what time I did have getting some final assets together, which included 2 new animations. They can be seen in the new build. The run and the walk are new. Before the run and walk, as seen in video form in a previous post, had the main character in a running while holding, or walking while holding. Making these two animations should have been done at the beginning, but I missed it. Luckily the programmer I got brought it to my attention. He is currently working on making it so you can see all of the other animations, and have them work when you hit the correct buttons. That will have to be in the next build, or final build. I have a feeling the final will be a huge leap from the alpha. I am also working on the held version of the dead body. It is not a ragdoll, so it is being animated to work with the animations of the main character. This is not in the Alpha build. Finally I was able to get my environment in. There are many buildings. The stage will be shortened so it is only about two screen lengths wide. I am confident that I will have a nice final piece, but until then, enjoy the Alpha:

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